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Guided tours (Saturday)


Guided tours (Saturday)

Come and discover the jewel of Modernism in Mataró, a project by the Mataró architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch commissioned by the textile industrialist Joaquim Coll i Regàs

The historical context of Modernism is marked by the industrial revolution, the urban transformation and the prominence of the bourgeoisie, promoters of modern architecture. The Casa Coll i Regàs by Josep Puig i Cadafalch, becomes a work of art for everyday life. It is a magnificent example of hygienic architecture that elegantly combines the most innovative solutions with the recovery of the craft arts. The guided tour ends with a coffee on the terrace-garden of the House.

Language: Catalan

  • The Casa Coll i Regàs as an example of a period (Saturday)

Language: Spanish

  • The Casa Coll i Regàs as a example of a period (first Saturday of the month)
Practical information

Single ticket 9,50€
Reduced ticket (over 65 and unemployed) 7,50€
Free ticket for under 14 years
NOTE: The purchase amount will not be returned. Date changes are not allowed.

More information:
T. 682 156 765
In the reduced entries, justified accreditation will be required.
Service exempt from VAT in accordance with Article 20.1.14 of the Law on VAT.
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