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The workshop Iluro – Casa Coll i Regàs is an experimental space that aims to disseminate knowledge and discovery in an experimental way. The experience of modernism as a starting point for addressing current art, urban and social movements. In other words, it is a reference space that can be used to carry out various activities of debate, education and creation around the society of the s. XXI.

  • Participation – By participation we mean the two-way, active process that is established between the institution and the public.
  • Experimentation – By experimentation we mean the practice and process by which users interact with the proposal and ideas in a physical, mental, and emotional way, from which the process of experimentation derives learning.
  • Emotion – We understand by emotion the feeling that is aroused when performing any kind of activity, work, etc. in people. Emotion is part of everyday life, so we believe that without emotion there can be no learning.

Educational Service of the Fundació Iluro.

VAT exempt service in accordance with Article 20.1.14 VAT Act

L'Escola Balmes visita la Casa Coll i Regàs

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